Harnessing open science practices to teach ecology and evolutionary biology using interactive tutorials
In this article from a CIEE Living Data Project working group organized by J.Bernhardt (U of Guelph) and J.Sunday (McGill), graduate student researchers explore teaching open science to ecology and evolutionary biology (EEB) undergraduates including creating easily digestible, interactive tutorials. The tutorials teach fundamental ecological concepts, data literacy, programming (using R software), and analysis skills using publicly available datasets (including rescued datasets from the Living Data Project) while introducing students to open science concepts and tools. Access the tutorials here.
In this article from a CIEE Living Data Project working group organized by J.Bernhardt (U of Guelph) and J.Sunday (McGill), graduate student researchers explore teaching open science to ecology and evolutionary biology (EEB) undergraduates including creating easily digestible, interactive tutorials. The tutorials teach fundamental ecological concepts, data literacy, programming (using R software), and analysis skills using publicly available datasets (including rescued datasets from the Living Data Project) while introducing students to open science concepts and tools. Access the tutorials here.