Upcoming Training Workshops:
WORKSHOP : Blending art and science: enhancing data visualization by applying principles of fine art
Date: May 26-29
This CIEE organized workshop led by Kate Sheridan, David Hunt, and Sandra Emry, will take place at the annual Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) conference in Vancouver, BC. This workshop will introduce participants to principles of fine art related to composition, balance, hierarchy, and visual weight using line, color, and opacity.
Date: May 26-29
This CIEE organized workshop led by Kate Sheridan, David Hunt, and Sandra Emry, will take place at the annual Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) conference in Vancouver, BC. This workshop will introduce participants to principles of fine art related to composition, balance, hierarchy, and visual weight using line, color, and opacity.
WORKSHOP : Getting off the ground: How to start and sustain scientific collaborations
Date: May 26-29
This CIEE organized workshop Sandra Emry, Diane Srivastava, and David Hunt, will take place at the annual Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) conference in Vancouver, BC. In this workshop, techniques that will allow early career researchers to build a lasting, productive, and fulfilling network of collaborators in their field will be discussed.
Date: May 26-29
This CIEE organized workshop Sandra Emry, Diane Srivastava, and David Hunt, will take place at the annual Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) conference in Vancouver, BC. In this workshop, techniques that will allow early career researchers to build a lasting, productive, and fulfilling network of collaborators in their field will be discussed.
Previously Funded Training Workshops:
OrganizersUniversity of Regina
CSEE 2014, Montreal, QB
Workshop: Introduction to R statistics
Workshop: Introduction to community data analysis using vegan and R
Symposium: Advances in synthesis research
Workshop: Biological Stoichiometry and Trait-Based Ecology
CSEE 2015, Saskatoon, SK
CSEE 2015, Saskatoon, SK
CSEE 2015, Saskatoon, SK
Trent University
Public Lecture
CSEE 2016 Meeting, St. John's, NFLD
Workshop: Maps and Spatial Data with R
Symposium: Ecological, Evolutionary and Environmental Synthesis in the 21st century
Symposium: Living in the eco-evolutionary theatre: research guided and inspired by intensive field observations
Symposium: Canadian protected areas in a changing climate: a cross-ecosystem approach
Sponsorship: Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference
Sponsorship: Summer school in data-driven ecological synthesis
2017 CSEE Meeting, Victoria, BC
2017 CSEE Meeting, Victoria, BC
2017 CSEE Meeting, Victoria, BC
2017 CSEE Meeting, Victoria, BC
Students at SFU, UBC, and UVic
Université de Montréal
Course: Stable Isotope Ecology
Sponsorship: Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference
Sponsorship: Summer school in data-driven ecological synthesis
Workshop: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
University of Regina’s Institute for Environmental Change and Society
Students at SFU, UBC, and UVic
Université de Montréal
2018 CSEE Meeting, Guelph, ON
Workshop: High-performance scientific computing with Julia
Workshop: Modeling Structured Populations
Workshop: Reproducible research and data tidying in R
Workshop: Graduate Student Association (GSA) technical skills
Biodiversity Research Centre, University of British Columbia
Queen's University
CSEE, ESC & AES 2019 Meeting, Fredericton, NB
GLEON 21 Meeting, Huntsville, ON
titleSymposium: Extreme Climate Events
Workshop sponsorship: Journey with Huu-ay-aht Ancestors & Why you should contribute to Citizen Science!
organizersYork University
Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC) 2020
TITLEWorkshop sponsorship: Building Ally Skills
Workshop sponsorship: 'How to propose, organize and run a successful working group' and 'Microclimate and biophysical models to predict the impacts of climate change'
ORGANIZERSPacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC) 2021
Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) 2021 Annual Meeting, Vancouver
titleWorkshop sponsorship
Workshop: Mathematical Ecology: Modeling Epidemics
Workshop: Visualizing Spatial Data with R
organizersPacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC) 2022
Queen's University
The Ecological Society of America (ESA)/Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) 2022 Annual Meeting, Montréal
TitleWorkshop sponsorship: Mapping and Analyzing Spatial Data with R
Workshop: Communicating Science on social media
Workshop: GitHub for biologists: A painless introduction to a powerful collaboration tool Workshop: An Intro to RMarkdown for productive and reproducible science |
organizersPacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC) 2023
Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) 2023 Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, MB
TITLEWorkshop Sponsorship: Creating teaching resources that leverage the power of open data in combination with R programming language
Workshop: Blending art and science: enhancing data visualization by applying principles of fine art
Workshop: Getting off the ground: How to start and sustain scientific collaborations |
organizersPacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC) 2024
Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) 2024 Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC